What is Html.

What is Html.

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HTML, which stands for Hypertext Markup Language, is a markup language used to create web pages. It is considered the foundation of every website, as it is responsible for defining the structure and content of web pages. By using HTML, web developers can create headings, paragraphs, lists, links, images, videos, and other elements that make up a website.

HTML works by using tags to define different elements on a web page. A tag is a keyword enclosed in angle brackets, such as <html>, <body>, <p>, and <a>. HTML documents are made up of a series of nested elements, with the <html> element being the root element of the document. This element contains two child elements: the <head> element and the <body> element. The <head> element contains information about the webpage, such as the title and meta data, while the <body> element contains the actual content of the webpage.

HTML tags can be used to create a wide range of elements. The <p> tag, for example, is used to create paragraphs, while the <img> tag is used to add images to a webpage. The <video> tag can be used to add videos, and the <a> tag is used to create links between web pages. HTML also allows you to create forms that users can fill out using the <form> tag.

HTML is relatively simple and easy to learn, making it an ideal starting point for aspiring web developers. However, to create a complete and professional-looking website, you will also need to learn CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and JavaScript.

CSS is used to define the visual style of a website. By using CSS, you can change the color, font, and layout of your web page. CSS works by using selectors to target HTML elements and apply styles to them. For example, you can use the selector "h1" to target all the headings on your webpage and change their font size or color.

JavaScript, on the other hand, is used to add interactivity and functionality to a website. With JavaScript, you can create animations, handle user input, and manipulate the content of a web page. JavaScript works by using scripts, which are blocks of code that can be inserted into an HTML document.

In conclusion, HTML is an essential technology for creating websites. It provides the foundation for the structure and content of web pages and allows developers to create a wide range of elements. While HTML is relatively simple to learn, you will need to learn CSS and JavaScript to create a complete and professional-looking website.